Sunday, May 24, 2015

Cicindela sexguttata --- Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle

The Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle

Cicindela sexguttata

This flying beetle was spotted on a fallen tree in my backyard here in northern Michigan. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dysdera crocata- Woodlouse Spider

This spider was in my bathroom this morning. It is a woodlouse spider, and only has a mild bite that may cause blisters near the bite.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Crane Fly

Here is an interesting bug that happened into our house today. This is called a Crane Fly... although I knew it as a "mosquito catcher" and it is sometimes called a mosquito hawk. It is not a mosquito, nor does it prey upon mosquitoes. In fact, the adults do not eat at all! It can not bite, nor can it sting, although it does appear to have a stinger it does not.

Crane Fly Top View

Crane Fly Close Up